Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Japan is full of homos!

Well, actually, it's not but any observant person visiting Japan would almost immediately notice a disproportionate number of effeminate men. They are known as
Otomen (Girly Guys) , "herbivores" or "Grass Eaters". What I found surprising was the number of news orgainizations carrying stories about them:


Not good for a country that has one of the lowest birth rates in the world and is opposed to immigration.

Anyone following this blog may remember a post I made on December 28 refering to a concert I went to called 'Explosive Carnivorous Girls End-of-Year Extermination Party' . Carnivorous girls are the Japanese equivalent to North American 'cougars'. They are just as out of sync with their traditional roles as their grass eating prey.

1 comment:

  1. lovely.. you are now trying to 'bring balance to the force' now??
