Well, actually, it's not but any observant person visiting Japan would almost immediately notice a disproportionate number of effeminate men. They are known as
Otomen (Girly Guys) , "herbivores" or "Grass Eaters". What I found surprising was the number of news orgainizations carrying stories about them:
Otomen (Girly Guys) , "herbivores" or "Grass Eaters". What I found surprising was the number of news orgainizations carrying stories about them:
The Independent - Japan's Generation XX
CNN - Japan's 'herbivore men' -- less interested in sex, money
Slate - The Herbivore's Dilemma
NPR - In Japan, 'Herbivore' Boys Subvert Ideas Of Manhood
Reuter - Japan's "herbivore" men shun corporate life, sex
Not good for a country that has one of the lowest birth rates in the world and is opposed to immigration.
Anyone following this blog may remember a post I made on December 28 refering to a concert I went to called 'Explosive Carnivorous Girls End-of-Year Extermination Party' . Carnivorous girls are the Japanese equivalent to North American 'cougars'. They are just as out of sync with their traditional roles as their grass eating prey.
lovely.. you are now trying to 'bring balance to the force' now??